Shortway es una estrategia que busca impulsar a los artistas emergentes de América Latina, a través de la promoción y producción de proyectos de cortos animados de tipo autoral, con visiones artísticas que normalmente no tienen apoyo de las cadenas de televisión o productoras de cine.
Inició en 2019 como una colaboración entre el Festival de Annecy, el evento de animación más importante del mundo y Pixelatl, el principal encuentro de vinculación entre artistas de latinoamérica con las industrias globales de la animación, cómic y videojuegos. En sus cinco años de existencia, ha colaborado para lograr la producción de varios de los cortometrajes que cada año quedan seleccionados.
El programa actualmente puede seguirse realizando gracias al apoyo de La Liga de la Animación Iberoamericana y otras organizacions que año con año se suman para impulsar el talento emergente de Latinoamérica.
el camino del cortometraje

Shortway sigue lo que hemos llamado "camino europeo" para entrar y desarrollarte en la industria audiovisual, que utiliza el cortometraje y los festivales de cine como mecanismos de acceso, vinculación profesional y presentación de proyectos más ambiciosos.
La estrategia se articula a partir de una convocatoria anual de proyectos de cortometraje animado en etapa temprana de desarrollo, que es abierta a creadores y artistas de Latinoamérica.
Como parte del proceso, se realiza un bootcamp con los proyectos seleccionados, donde cada proyecto recibe asesoría personalizada de mentores y expertos de la industria en sesiones uno a uno.
Durante ese evento tenemos, además, una serie de actividades de formación (talleres y clases maestras) y de vinculación, orientadas al desarrollo de piezas animadas de corte autoral, que son abiertas a todo público (Shortway Campus).
Además, el proyecto ganador se presentan en un Pitch público ante socios potenciales en la sección Animation Du Monde del Festival de Annecy, en Francia, y recibe un pase mercado para el festival Pixelatl, en Guadalajada, México.

Uno de los componentes más importantes de Shortway es la realización de un bootcamp (campo de entrenamiento) para los proyectos finalistas, con la participación de mentores internacionales que revisarán cada proyecto para aportar guía y retroalimentación.
El programa contempla actividades de dos tipos:
1. Actividades formativas, con un panel y un par de clases maestras exclusivas para los bootcamperos (además de las conferencias abiertas a todo público) para brindar algunas herramientas concretas que ayuden a mejorar los proyectos finalistas
2. Actividades de revisión y asesoría personalizada para cada proyecto: reuniones uno a uno con productores y mentores de la industria.
Este evento es exclusivo para los finalistas.

Talleres Abiertos (26 de febrero)
Nota: Los talleres son abiertos a todo público, pero tienen un costo de inscripción. Revisa los detalles arriba

Herramientas para financiar proyectos animados
Imparte: Ana Cruz / Productora de Animación
Hora: 16:00 a 19:00 hrs.

Prepara y construye tu biblia para Ideatoon
Imparte: Jordi Iñesta / Pixelatl
Hora: 16:00 a 19:00 hrs.
Clases Maestras (28 de febrero)
Nota: Las Clases Maestras y la proyección son gratuitas, pero debes registrarte para participar

El arte del Stop Motion
Imparte: René Castillo / Director, escritor y productor de Stop Motion
Hora: 16:30hrs.

Job Application Toolkit
Imparte: Samantha Goff / Creative Talent Manager
Hora: 17:30hrs.

From Indie shortfilms to Pixar
Imparte: Mitra Shahidi /Director and Screenwriter
Hora: 18:30 hrs.
actividades abiertas a todo público
26 y 28 de febrero de 2024
Como parte del programa de Shortway, algunas actividades son abiertas a todo el público interesado.
En esta ocasión el programa de actividades abiertas constará de dos talleres el lunes 26 de febrero y tres clases maestras presenciales y una muestra de cortos animados el miércoles 28 de febrero que se realizarán en Ciudad Creativa Digital Guadalajara, además de un panel Online que se realizará una semana antes: el jueves 22 de febrero (información adicional más abajo).
Las clases maestras y la proyección no tienen costo para los participantes, pero si deseas participar es necesario que te inscribas en el formulario cuya liga aparece más abajo. En cambio, los talleres tienen un costo de inscripción de $1,000 pesos (puedes incribirte a ellos en el mismo formulario)

Panel Online con los directores nominados al Oscar por mejor Corto Animado
Participa en esta exclusiva charla en vivo con los directores de los cortometrajes, una actividad que ya se ha hecho tradición, como parte del programa de Shortway Campus
Modera: Ramin Zahed

Fecha y Hora: jueves 22 de febrero, 11:30 hrs. (tiempo de México)
Esta actividad es realizada en colaboración con:


Growing up in Turkey, she was exposed to a rich cultural heritage which has greatly influenced her artistic style and subject matter. She worked as an art director in games, film and advertising until she joined Pixar as a story artist in 2017. Since joining Pixar, she has worked on several feature films, including Luca and the upcoming feature film Elio. Her independent short film "Starling" won the Best Animated Short award at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in 2023. Shahidi currently lives in the Bay Area, California with her family

Mitra Shahidi
Director and Screenwriter

He studied film production with a major in animation film at Gobelins in Paris. He spends some time in Paris and Vancouver, Canada, while working in the industry for different films and production companies. In 2012 he relocated to Berlin to work in 22D Music Group. He co-founds in June 2015 Laïdak Films, a Paris-Berlin-based production company. They are now dedicated to producing quality films, regardless of their format, length, or type. Still based in Berlin but traveling the world, Ivan gives prominence to international and intercultural projects.

Ivan Zuber
Producer at Laïdak films

With over 13 years of experience in the animation and kids industry, including 10 years developing Dandelooo's distribution department, I represented multi-awarded titles such as Ernest and Celestine, The Treehouse Stories among others. From 2024 I'll be handling international sales and acquisitions of the new distribution company Folivari International. I will be distributing Nino Dino (78x7'), The Baker Street Four (12x26') and Kiki & Ailen (52x13'), Folivari's in-house projects and will be looking for series to acquire at any stage of production.

Melissa Vega
Aales and Acquisition / Folivari International

French producer who has been working in the film and audiovisual industry for over ten years. He has produced numerous animated films, such as Funan by Denis Do, which earned the Crystal Award at the 2018 Annecy Festival, The Forest of Miss Tang by Denis Do, (selected at the 2023 Annecy Festival for a screening event), The Siren by Sepideh Farsi (2023 Berlinale, winner of the Best Music award at Annecy 2023, among others awards), co-produced Omen (Augure) by Baloji (New Voice prize at Cannes 2023). He received the Animation Trophy from Film Français at the 2023 Annecy Festival.

Sébastien Onomo

A graduate of Communication Sciences, René introduced himself to animation in a self-taught way, and reaped unsuspected successes for his short films Sin Sostén and Hasta los huesos, with more than 50 awards and national and international awards including the Official Selection at Cannes, awards at Annecy, and the Ariel (of the Mexican Film Academy) both in 1998 and 2002. He participated as a stop motion animator in the Second Unit of Pinocchio. He is currently writing, directing and producing his first feature film Thingdom, in co-production with an animation studio in China.

René Castillo
Director, Screenwriter, Animator and Producer

A very experienced professional with nearly twenty years of activities in culture and events. She has been involved with the International Animated Film Festival Annecy and its market where she worked as an Assistant to the Artistic Director Serge Bromberg and as a Head of Projects (MIFA). She has met and cooperated with big names in the animation field such as Ray Harryhausen, Peter Lord, Tim Burton, Henry Sellick or Richard Williams. At present she focuses on young talents, providing direction in early stages of their projects and fostering the production process.

Hsiang Chin Moe
Artist + Educator

POLAR STUDIO is an ARIEL award-winning VFX company founded in 2012 in Guadalajara. Is one of the biggest VFX studios in MÉXICO, and has become "partner in crime" for companies like DISCOVERY (award company for best content in 2018) and also produces more and more animated features. The company has also specialized in visual effects for animation, directly participating in some of the main Mexican productions that have been recognized throughout the world.

Jonathan Guzman
Director de Polar Estudio

- Self-proclaimed "animation activist" Sam Goff serves as a Creative Talent Manager with Fourth Wall Management. She has a long history with the animation industry: worked in TV and Feature production management at Dreamworks, and was an integral member of Netflix Animation's Outreach 8 Engagement team. Goff is a mentor in the animation space with Black N' Animated, BRIC, Rise Up Animation, and Women in Animation. She lives in Los Angeles with her wife and 12 beloved pets.

Samantha Goff
Creative Talent Manager

Oscar Hernandez is an animation director with more than 12 years of experience in the industry. He has been the founder of 2 animation studios in Guadalajara: Platypus in 2012 and Aska animation studio in 2018 which he currently directs. Always focused on content creation, he currently has 3 series in development with LionForge (2019 Oscar winners animated short with HairLove ) based in Australia. ASKA animation works with clients such as Cartoon Network, Discovery, Netflix among others

Oscar Hernández
CEO ASKA animation studio

Animation producer and co-founder of the Casiopea studio in Mexico City, which has been producing audiovisual, cultural and cinematographic content since 2013. Ana has been a production coordinator for stop motion and documentary animation feature films, internationally awarded short films, video mapping for museums, and original content for Televisa and Cartoon Network. In addition to her work at Casiopea, she has worked with animation studios such as Brinca Taller and Atotonilco. She was part of the curatorial team of the Mexican animation programs at Annecy 2023.

Ana Cruz
Animation producer


Ramin Zahed is a journalist who has covered the film and television industries for over twenty years. His writing has appeared in Variety, the Hollywood Reporter, the Los Angeles Times, and Movieline. He is also the author of The Art of Puss in Boots, The Art of Rise of the Guardians, and The Art of DreamWorks. He is currently the editor of Animation Magazine.

Ramin Zahed
Editor Animation Magazine



Sesiones uno a uno
Talleres y sesiones exclusivas para bootcamperos
Actividades abiertas a todo público
Comidas y cenas exclusivas para bootcamperos
online previa:
Jueves 22 de febrero,
11:30 hrs. (Mx)
Panel: Nominados al Óscar por mejor corto animado
Lunes 26
Martes 27
Bienvenida y mecánicas
Tips for a successful Pitch
Breakout rooms
Mentors sessions 1
Miércoles 28
Hsiang Chin Moe*
Mentors sessions
16:30 - Clase Maestra: El arte del Stop Motion / René Castillo
17:30 - Clase Maestra: Job Application Toolkit / Samantha Goff*
18:30 - Clase Maestra: From Indie shortfilms to Pixar / Mitra Shahidi*
19:30 - Proyección: Best of Annecy
Jueves 29
Panel: Focus on Markets
Sesión de Pitch Abierto
Anuncio ganadores Shortway 2024
*Estas actividades son en Inglés
Ediciones Anteriores


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